J. B. Morin是十七世紀法國占星家,這次讀書會的重點是以他的著作Astrologia Gallica Book 21為基礎,並提出子辰個人見解、解盤經驗與範例。這本書是學習古典占星必讀的書目之一。歡迎攜帶書本過來,我也會提供個人整理的摘要。
Section 1: 1. The formal or essential determination of the primum caelum; 2. The formal or essential determination of the planets & the fixed stars; 3. The description & refutation of an error frequently encountered in astrology; 4. The accidental determination of the primum caelum; 5. The accidental determination of the planets & fixed stars in general; 6. The celestial bodies as both universal & particular causes;7. The celestial bodies as both signs & causes of effects in the sublunary world; 8. The extent of the entire caelum's concurrence in any sublunary effect.
Section 2: The accidental determinations of the planets & their effect on the sublunary world: 1. The accidental determination of the planets by location & rulership in the houses; 2. A single planet in a house; 3. More than one planet in a house; 4. The ruler of a house is located in some other house, whether the meanings of both houses are always combined; 5. How a planet ruling one house but located in another combines the meanings of each house; 6. Two planets as co-rulers of a single house, a single planet ruling more than one house; 7. The determinations of the planets by exaltation & triplicity; 8. The determinations of the planets by exile & fall; 9. The determinations of the planets by aspect, the general significance of the aspects; 10. The aspects of the planets & how they work for good or ill; 11. The aspects of the planets, their analysis & comparison; 12. The principle points to be observed in making an accurate evaluation of a planet & its aspects; 13. The accidental determinations of the planets & their relation to the positions of the planets or principle significators in some other horoscope; 14. The interaction of the natal horoscope with those of other individuals; 15. The intrinsic & extrinsic determinations of the essential meanings of a house; 16. The celestial bodies as causes in nature depicting God's action in the world.